The EPSRC Industrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE) is a partnership of the Universities of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and Exeter, and the Scottish Association for Marine Science. The vision of IDCORE is:
IDCORE's objectives and programme are strongly aligned with the RCUK, ETI, and industry strategies to meet the UK's ambitious deployment targets for offshore renewable energy technologies requires the development of new techniques and technologies to design, build, install, operate, and maintain devices in extreme environments at an affordable economic cost with minimal environmental impact.
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This multi-disciplinary Centre brings together diverse areas of expertise to train engineers and scientists with the skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle current and future offshore renewable energy challenges. The strategic direction of the programme is guided by an Industrial Steering Board comprising representatives from professional bodies, employers and regulators. EngD students on the programme (called Research Engineers) undertake advanced training in technical skills and competencies as well as transferable skills such as project management, innovation management, and team working. Alongside this they undertake a challenging and original research project at PhD level.